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Young Hitta Talks New Single “Letter 2 My Folks”

Starbound Young Hitta is a true rap powerhouse—infusing his genuine love of music and authentic, lively spirit into each

Young Hitta Talks New Single “Letter 2 My Folks”

Starbound Young Hitta is a true rap powerhouse—infusing his genuine love of music and authentic, lively spirit into each of his expertly crafted tracks. The Philly-born-and-raised rapper grew up immersed in the music world looking up to his father—DJ and TV music show host Ronnie Ron. Being surrounded by musical legends from an early age gave him a unique perspective that catapulted his artistic path. Having grown up in the musical sphere, it was only natural that Young Hitta embarked on his rap journey as a young teenager—adopting a tunnel vision mentality that channels his boundless energy and relentless drive into his craft. The result? Fiery, passionate tracks with deliciously smooth flow—filled with booming bass, melodic riffs, and resonant lyricism. Guided by the mentors who stood in his corner in his own career, Young Hitta is dedicated to passing along his wisdom and mentorship. Playing many roles—producer, engineer, manager, cheerleader, and more—he lends his talents to up-and-coming artists with promise. Believing that each person is a “star in their own way,” he aims to inspire listeners to persevere through challenges and embrace their potential. With exciting new projects on the horizon for this twenty-six-year-old in the coming months, fans old and new are eagerly awaiting Young Hitta’s most dynamic and expressive display of artistry yet.

Written, produced, and engineered entirely by Young Hitta, “Letter 2 My Folks” is an emotionally charged, deeply moving track rooted in his personal experiences with loss. Dedicated to his mother and grandmother, whom he lost in 2023 and 2020 respectively, the song takes the form of an intimate letter. Through raw and honest lyricism, Young Hitta expresses deep gratitude for the sacrifices made by his family and mentors, while acknowledging the struggles and triumphs that have shaped his journey. The song’s dynamic production features a dominating, almost haunting beat backed by melodic riffs and steady bass lines, dripping with Young Hitta’s signature fiery sound. Young Hitta’s silky-smooth flow weaves seamlessly through the music, infusing the track with an electrifying jolt of energy. Yet, his sincerity seeps into every verse—more than just a personal tribute, “Letter 2 My Folks” is a source of solace and encouragement for anyone grappling with enormous challenges. Recognizing the profound loneliness and darkness that often accompanies grief, Young Hitta courageously extends a hand to listeners—reminding them they are not alone and urging them to follow in his footsteps toward finding strength within themselves.

The music video for “Letter 2 My Folks” is a visually stunning, unexpectedly vulnerable portrayal of loss, love, and resilience. Directed in collaboration with Mirzy Productions (@1mirs), Young Hitta crafts a muted atmosphere of reflection and reverence infused with an unmistakable Philly grit. Every frame feels authentically Young Hitta, as he brings his lyrical letter to life on screen. Dynamic quick cuts and exhilarating flashes breathe life and energy into each shot as Young Hitta delivers his verses with a commanding presence. Yet, amidst the vibrant visuals, two important objects quietly steal the spotlight; glittering pendants bearing pictures of his mother and grandmother that never leave Young Hitta’s side. These cherished photos remain close to his heart, symbolizing his dedication to their memory and gratitude for their impact on his life. Rich with personal touches, “Letter 2 My Folks” is more like a visual diary, serving not only as a heartfelt tribute to his lost loved ones, but also as an invitation for viewers to share in his experience of healing, gratitude, and perseverance.

How does “Letter 2 My Folks” fit into your musical journey thus far?  

It fits into my musical journey because it’s one of my most lyrical songs. “Letter 2 My Folks” is a powerhouse song with a lot of good gems in it & I’m trying to spread a positive message for the most part and is a great track to relate to and get more personal with the audience

“Letter 2 My Folks” is an intimate track—what was it like to write a song that is very personal to you? 

Writing this song felt good, as if I was expressing myself but I peep when I watched the video alone or performed it, it hits me and it can be a little emotional actually because I know it’s real when I hear it.

What challenges did you face when recording “Letter 2 My Folks” and how did you overcome them to make the track shine?

I was dealing with the loss of my mom which was a very big challenge for me. To be honest I just smoked some weed man to get in my recording mood and I started rapping what I felt.

What makes this song stand out against others in the rap genre? Or others you have made in the past? 

My song stands out because a lot of other rappers go off trends, I just focus on me and what is going on with me. So that is why I rap what I feel & I feel Letter 2 My Folks is my best & favorite song.

Talk to us a little bit about the concept behind the “Letter 2 My Folks” music video. What was your vision for the video? 

The concept we did Is so I can write a letter to my grandma, my mom, and friends that I lost in heaven & try to show they live through me now.

Talk about your role as a mentor to up-and-coming artists—what has that experience been like for you? What do you like about mentoring? 

The experience of mentoring upcoming artists is good for me because I get to learn from them too and I get to watch them grow and I get to show my other talents such as team player, mentor, audio engineer, and videographer.

You strive to make powerful music—how do you hope this song and music video impacts your audience? What do you hope they take away from it? 

I just wanna make a difference and make light of when you lose somebody they still live through you. You have to be the best you can for them & you’re not alone, your story is heard without saying anything. Just stay strong.

The song carries a strong message of perseverance. Do you see yourself continuing to explore this theme in future projects? 

Yeah I already made part 2, it’s out now called “Never Give Up” . It is similar but I want to dive back into the whole concept and keep tweaking, it might try to make a movie with it. I have very big plans for the future.

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