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Sachet De’Aun Talks New Music “Patty Cake” And More!

Baltimore native Sachet D’Aun is a “pretty problem” in the rap game—an emerging force of unique artistry shaking up

Sachet De’Aun Talks New Music  “Patty Cake” And More!

Baltimore native Sachet D’Aun is a “pretty problem” in the rap game—an emerging force of unique artistry shaking up the industry. Deeply inspired by rap legend Lil Wayne, her passion for rapping began early while freestyling with friends as a kid. Now based in Atlanta, she didn’t consider rapping seriously until about three years ago—when one recording session with her daughter’s father changed everything. Upon recording her first single, she landed a deal with Ethika Music—and since then, this go-getter has been demanding respect in a male-dominated industry and daring the rap world to take her seriously. And decision makers are taking notice—she’s currently holding her spot on the DRT Top 200 Radio charts and the Global Top 150 Independent charts. But for Sachet, it’s about more than recognition—she’s grinding to “make moves and make music” to build a future for her three daughters as a single parent. She carries an abundance of confidence—she knows she possesses the talent and drive to break out and make a name for herself. So fans should buckle up and keep a close eye—because she’s just now honing her grind and ready to slam it into fifth gear.

A common thread runs through Sachet’s discography—she’s a certified baddie. Her unwavering confidence sets the tone for “Pattycake,” where the slightly stripped-back production lets her rapping prowess and her star persona shine. She’s playing a much more suggestive game than the children’s rhyme—flaunting all of her assets with irresistible allure. Spitting effortless rhymes over an entrancing trap beat, she lays it all out with top shelf, world class exuberance. She’s chasing a lavish life, surrounded by hundred dollar bills and men on their knees, begging, “Sachet please, you are the only one I need.” And this vision isn’t far from her reality—she’s not one to struggle. Instead, she makes it clear to listeners that she’s on her way to the top and deserves it all, asserting, “I know how to do it baby—just watch.”

The sultry atmosphere of the song is amplified in the music video, an energetic, visually striking experience infused with Sachet’s signature boldness. Cleverly springing off the “pattycake” wordplay—the video makes one thing definite—this isn’t your hometown diner. It’s hot, steamy, and dripping with attitude, featuring plenty of girls in eye-catching outfits serving up syrupy pancakes and ever-flowing shots of tequila. With quick cuts, slow-motion shots, and neon-lit settings, the video emulates the essence of a classic rap video—but one thing stands out. Here, the world revolves around Sachet. She commands attention, gripping viewers from the first shot to the final fade. It’s easy to see why she always has a crew right behind her—she’s as real, raw, and ready as it gets. With each release, Sachet continues to expand her musical brand—and “Pattycake” is another exciting glimpse into her growing creativity, conviction, and undeniable star power.

Rap has been a part of your life since childhood—what motivated you to start rapping seriously and launch your musical career? 

Honestly, one day I just woke up and told my daughter’s dad “I want to go to the studio”. He was an artist as well so he set me up with one of his engineers and it’s been history since. I went to record my first song “Where Dey At” and I just fell in love with the process and just being in my creative element. I started going to the studio daily just working on my sound, and growing with each track I laid down. 

You’ve mentioned that one of your biggest inspirations is Lil Wayne. Which other artists, if any, influence your unique sound and style? 

I honestly am inspired by all music. I listen to a bit of everything from bands to rock. I’m definitely inspired by the females in the game that paved the way though. Missy Elliot, Trina, Da Brat, Roxanne, and the list goes on. 

“Patty Cake” has a confident, bold feel—how did the idea for this song first come to you? What distinctive elements did you incorporate into this song to create the sultry vibe?

I’ve always been a go-getter. I have always wanted to have MY OWN. So in a world full of women with their hand out I want to be the RICH WIFE. Patty cake is for getting money from females in the world with their own motion/bag. 

What was your vision for the “Patty Cake” music video and how did you and your team bring it to life? 

Ideas were thrown around with the team and we really just wanted it to give BOSS, but also super sexy and fun. The Diner idea for it perfectly. A bunch of boss babes serving, it was genius. 

Did you face any surprises or challenges in the production process? 

I feel like with every project there are obstacles and just figuring out the best way to go about things. This project really taught me patience. It also taught me that you have to trust the process and make the right moves to get your record where it needs to be and heard by the right people. You’ve talked about wanting to pioneer the industry. In your opinion, what sets your artistry apart from others in the genre? 

I’m more than just an artist. I’m a whole brand. A chameleon. I’ve been at the lowest lows in life so I’m humble. I really handle everything and everyone with care. My relationships and loyalty are things that are really important to me. I feel with those attributes I’ll always be blessed and go far. Past the music and a studio, I will be seen everywhere. From tv screens to creating my own brands. Everyone will know my name and I will always remain ME in the process. I’m not in a box, I’m a look, a vibe, a commodity. 

Where does “Patty Cake” fit into your musical journey? Do you plan to go in this musical direction in the future?

As I said prior I’m not in a box, so honestly expect everything to be DIFFERENT than the last thing I dropped. Patty cake just speaks to who I am. A baddie getting to a bag and beating the odds. 

Is “Patty Cake” part of a larger project? Do you have any other projects coming up soon? 

I have a lot of projects that you all can look forward to but it’s a surprise lol. Just be on the lookout. & be sure to stream “The BiGGEST” . It’s my 3 song project featuring Patty Cake. 

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