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GoodGuyDavid1 Talks New Music “Baby” And More

David Vanison was no stranger to the mean streets and coping with drugs as a teen growing up in

GoodGuyDavid1 Talks New Music “Baby” And More

David Vanison was no stranger to the mean streets and coping with drugs as a teen growing up in Prince George County, Maryland, but it wasn’t until after he had his own first-hand experience with violence that he had the revelation something needed to change. Now as the 27-year-old rapper, GoodGuyDavid1, he has left the life of a felon for a life of faith and is turning his hurt into his hustle in pursuit of a better life.

With thousands of Instagram followers and a growing Spotify discography built off of indie touring, this underdog is slowly crawling his way out of the trenches and into the limelight. He credits his fortitude to his belief in a higher power and praises his relationship with spirituality in guiding him toward his true self. In his heart of hearts, David is a dream chaser and a cycle breaker like many music makers before him, stating that he draws influence from industry juggernauts like Kendrick Lamar, DaBaby and Trippie Red. Instead of hiding from his history, David believes that his mistakes have been his greatest teachers and wants to use his past to inspire the belief in others that they too can change with a little more love, a little more grace, and a lot of determination. David is now working to set a better example after finding the love of his life and realizing another big dream of his – his hopes of starting a family. GoodGuyDavid1 is releasing a new music video for his song, “Baby.”

The “Baby” music video is a testament to David’s work ethic both on and off-screen. Outside of filming, David also self-produced the music video to help bring his vision to life while he can also be seen pumping iron while the camera is rolling. With the help of direction by Mikeal Imaging, the visuals for “Baby” serve to highlight David’s commitment to self-improvement for himself and his future family. The rapper working out in the gym is representative of the hard work he is doing mentally, physically and spiritually in this season of his life to keep his woman and get the career of his dreams. Although many of the artist’s previous songs featured heavier subject matter, David is now claiming a new season of peace and abundance with the lighthearted lyrics in “Baby”. At its core, this song is a celebration of love and an expression of gratitude for when one finally finds that special person. With its banging beat, unfiltered lyrics and inspirational visuals, “Baby” is the go-to music video to hype anyone up at the gym, get the adrenaline pumping on a scenic Sunday drive, or use as a rap battle inspiration at the block party with the homies.

1.What is the earliest memory or experience you have of wanting to become a musician?

When I saw Kid Hop on stage with His Dad when I was Like 5 years old and they Played some Music together. And when I got older I saw Musician Excel. Made Me Believe and Know I Can Do It. 

2. Do you have a personal connection to the song “Baby?” Talk us through your writing process for this track. 

No cause when I made the Song I didn’t Have a Spouse! I Made the Song because I wanted a Spouse and Now I Have 1. I Drew Inspiration to Write the Song from Love for the Right Woman! I Wanted to Love! You know. I Wanted to Express to the Right Woman Out there that I wanted to Love that, This is How I Feel About Her! and I Meant That! No Doubt About it . 

3. Did you draw inspiration from any musical influences for this song? What kind of sound or style were you hoping to achieve? 

No, I Drew inspiration from Christ!  A Hip Hop Sound and Style is what I Produced and What I was hoping to Achieve! 

4.Who could you not have done the “Baby” music video without? What was your collaboration process like? 

Mikeal Imaging the CameraMan and Billy a. Sanders The Hand Sign Interpreter I Hired to be in the Video! It Was a Vision I Meditated On So I Made it a Reality in Real Life! 

Actually, the Collaboration Process was Fun As Ever! It Felt Historical It Felt Like Something Great Was Being Made. Honestly! Billy was a Cool Guy The cameraman Mikeal was a Cool Guy He Also Shot my Very First interview As Well. 

5.How did you conceptualize the visuals for the music video? Did you have a specific theme or story in mind from the beginning?

I Meditated  On It ! And When I Got the Vision I Wrote it Down and I Acted On It.  I already have a structure for writing songs so I Told the Story. And I Did it. 

6. Were there any moments or elements in the music video that turned out differently than you expected? 

Yeah Kinda I Originally Planned On Renting Out a Corvette to be in the Music Video but I couldn’t get 1 in time before I shot the video. That’s ok I‘ll put 1 in the Next Videos I Do! Other than that Everything Went according to Plan. And I didn’t wait to get the Corvette in this Video because I sensed I Needed to Move forward with My Career!  Again As I stated before I’ll Put a Corvette in 1 of My Upcoming New Videos I Release!  I’ll Also Throw A Polaris Slingshot In My Video to Ride in Those Vehicles Are Very Cool! 

7.Would you say that the release of “Baby” and music video are almost like starting a “new chapter” in your musical career? 

Yes, I Definitely Would Say that!  Yess!  An Extremely Better Chapter of My Career! Because of The Extreme Positivity and Energy and Nature of the Video! I Released to the World !  I’m Even Seeing More Respect from People From it! 

8.How does “Baby” represent your future musical aspirations? 

“Baby” Represents My Future Musical Aspirations Because of me releasing this Good Energy and Message! I searched and found the right Loyal Spouse and Partner to 1 day Create a New Life and Make a Baby cause that Was My Plan from the Beginning! It’s also Taking My Career to New Levels Because it Provided Newness In My Career! And it’s Creating Bigger More Positive “Opportunities” That Are Positively IMPACTING My Career! As a Musician And Artist! It’s Causing Artists with more influence! And Revenue than Me to Want to Collaborate with Me To Produce Better Music And Get Me More Money! And Revenue! God Allowed Me to Release with Courage! 

9. What’s Next?

Getting a House and a Loan! To invest in My Business ! And Releasing 10 Single Songs I Have Stored Up! Waiting to Release! Plus My Very First Interview! I Have Waited to Release at the Right Time!  Getting Tickets Sold !  Teaming Up with AEG presents Or Other companies to Help Produce a LIVE WORLD TOUR! Then Go On TOUR! and After Touring Just doing Single Shows or Events That Keep Me In OverFlow and Spreading the Good Vibe , Energy and  Music!  Because This is The Energy!  

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